A tasty monthly chew made from real chicken
Giving tablets to dogs can be frustrating however Interceptor Spectrum comes in a tasty chew made with real chicken that 94% of dogs will eat straight from the hand1.
Regular dosing with Interceptor Spectrum protects against heartworm and intestinal worms, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm plus tapeworm. It can be given to dogs as young as 2 weeks of age.
Important Information
Read product leaflet for full instructions
For dogs from 2 weeks of age
Before starting Interceptor Spectrum, you should have your veterinarian confirm that your dog does not have heartworm
Interceptor Spectrum must be administered every month, preferably on the same date each month
In safety studies conducted with Interceptor Spectrum, some mild and transient adverse reactions were observed following dosing. These reactions included reduced activity, increased salivation, vomiting, ataxia and tremors.
Directions for Use
Interceptor Spectrum must be administered every month, preferably on the same date each month.
Interceptor Spectrum pack for dogs weighing Dose
Up to 4 kg 1 x Very Small chew
4 – 11 kg 1 x Small chew
11 – 22 kg 1 x Medium chew
22 – 45 kg 1 x Large chew
Dogs over 45 kg can be dosed with the appropriate combination of Tasty Chews.
1. Palatability trial, chewable formulations in dogs. NAH-02-0054. 2002. Data on file.
Giving tablets to dogs can be frustrating however Interceptor Spectrum comes in a tasty chew made with real chicken that 94% of dogs will eat straight from the hand1.
Regular dosing with Interceptor Spectrum protects against heartworm and intestinal worms, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm plus tapeworm. It can be given to dogs as young as 2 weeks of age.
Important Information
Read product leaflet for full instructions
For dogs from 2 weeks of age
Before starting Interceptor Spectrum, you should have your veterinarian confirm that your dog does not have heartworm
Interceptor Spectrum must be administered every month, preferably on the same date each month
In safety studies conducted with Interceptor Spectrum, some mild and transient adverse reactions were observed following dosing. These reactions included reduced activity, increased salivation, vomiting, ataxia and tremors.
Directions for Use
Interceptor Spectrum must be administered every month, preferably on the same date each month.
Interceptor Spectrum pack for dogs weighing Dose
Up to 4 kg 1 x Very Small chew
4 – 11 kg 1 x Small chew
11 – 22 kg 1 x Medium chew
22 – 45 kg 1 x Large chew
Dogs over 45 kg can be dosed with the appropriate combination of Tasty Chews.
1. Palatability trial, chewable formulations in dogs. NAH-02-0054. 2002. Data on file.